
“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” – Carl Sagan

Part 2: Build your own UAV Predator drone.

This is a continuation of the Build your own UAV Predator drone. In this section I cover the configuration of the UAV and the testing. The main connection between the Raspberry Pi and the flight controller will be done through… Continue Reading →

Part 1: Build your own UAV Predator drone.

The idea behind this project was pretty simple; can you build your own open source UAV drone for a fraction of the cost of a predator drone? The answer is yes with some limitations on distance and payload.  This project… Continue Reading →

PIC18 MCU IR motion detector

Using a PIC18 MCU a IR motion detector circuit that is currently configured for security purposes was built. The code and I/O devices can be changed for other functions such as triggering an automatic door with a servo or many… Continue Reading →

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.” -Richard Feynman

Stealth FM Pirate TX/RX

This project consisted of building two separate devices to receive and transmit a signal over the FM spectrum of 88 to 108 MHz. Originally the idea was to make a discrete pirate radio station that can be easily transported inside… Continue Reading →

Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange

The Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm is the backbone in the majority of the internet sites and apps that we use. It is a fairly simple algorithm, yet it’s simplicity and ease of use (most of us don’t even realize it… Continue Reading →

Random 3D SolidWorks designs and modeling.

The goal of this project is to analyzed an RF data file (.dat) that included airband AM signals captured around Palo Alto Airport ATIS, using an RTL-SDR tunner centered at 135.5 MHz. Through the use of Matlab and provided functions… Continue Reading →

“Anecdotal evidence leads us to conclusions that we wish to be true, not conclusions that actually are true.” -Barry Beyerstein

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